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Tree Blog

tree trimmer trimming a tree growing under a electricity power line for public safety and reliability of electric service.

Trees are a valuable part of our natural environment, providing shade, beauty, and numerous other benefits. However, as much as we cherish them, trees can sometimes threaten underground utilities, including water lines, gas pipes, and electrical cables. The roots of large trees have the potential to infiltrate and damage these essential systems, leading to costly repairs, disruptions in services, and even safety hazards.

Signs That Indicate Trees Might be Causing Damage to Underground Utilities

Unexplained Utility Issues

If you notice persistent issues with your underground utilities, such as frequent water leaks, gas leaks, or power outages, it could be a sign that your tree’s roots have encroached upon these systems. While utility problems can have various causes, such as aging infrastructure or natural wear and tear, it’s essential to consider the possibility of tree-related damage.

Cracks in Sidewalks and Driveways

Tree roots are opportunistic and can exploit existing cracks or gaps in concrete, including sidewalks and driveways. As they grow, the roots can widen these openings, leading to significant structural damage. If you notice cracks near the base of trees close to utility lines, it’s crucial to investigate the situation.

Abnormal Tree Growth

If you notice excessive or unusual growth, such as large root systems emerging above the ground, it may indicate a problem. Tree roots seeking water and nutrients can disrupt underground utilities as they push through the soil and concrete barriers. Additionally, visible signs of stress, such as wilting leaves, can indicate that the tree’s roots struggle to find sufficient resources due to underground interference.

Sinkholes or Depressions

A sudden appearance of sinkholes or depressions around your tree could signify severe damage to underground utilities. Tree roots can displace soil and create voids beneath the surface as they grow and spread. These voids weaken the ground, increasing the risk of sinkholes or collapse.

Tree Species and Location

Certain tree species are more prone to causing damage to underground utilities due to their aggressive root systems. Some trees, like poplars and willows, have expansive and invasive roots that can infiltrate pipes and cables. Moreover, the proximity of a tree to utility lines also plays a significant role. If a tree grows directly above or adjacent to underground utilities, the likelihood of damage increases significantly.

Removal for Safety

When signs of damage to underground utilities are present, removing the tree may be the best action to ensure safety and prevent further harm. While tree removal can be a difficult decision, it is essential to prioritize the well-being of your property, utility services, and the safety of your family and neighbors. Consulting with an arborist or tree removal service is crucial to assess the situation accurately and determine the appropriate course of action.

If you suspect that your tree is causing damage to underground utilities, it’s crucial to take steps to mitigate potential risks and ensure the safety of your property. By recognizing the signs of root encroachment and consulting with trusted professionals, you can address the issue effectively. Call us at Salas Tree Service for tree removal services in Bakersfield, CA.