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Common and Practical Reasons to Remove a Tree

Trees are an excellent natural resource. They give us clean air to breathe, provide shade, and some even give us a source of food or other materials. However, there may come a time when you need to remove a tree for good reasons. There are many reasons why a tree may need to be removed, ranging from safety issues to aesthetic purposes. Read on to learn more about the most common reasons a tree may need to be removed from your property.

The Tree Is Dead

Once a tree has died, there’s nothing you can do to bring it back to the full and vibrant living being it once was. There’s no practical reason to keep a dead tree on your property. In fact, in addition to being an eyesore, the tree could become a safety hazard as it decays and becomes hollow. A dead tree is more likely to fall with time, creating the potential for a very hazardous situation.

Diseased or Unhealthy Trees

Trees can catch diseases and other problems that affect their health. Some diseases are difficult or impossible to cure in a tree. If your tree is unhealthy and unlikely to be revived, it’s probably a good idea to have it removed.

Damaged By Weather or Natural Events

High winds and lightning are the biggest culprits in damaging a tree. After a storm, you may find your tree missing limbs and branches or leaning in an unsafe manner. Have a professional look over your storm-damaged tree to see if there’s any way to rejuvenate it and keep it standing.

Roots or Branches Growing in a Bad Spot

Very large trees may eventually grow in places that aren’t ideal. You may have branches hanging over your power lines or limbs leaning over the top of your house. You may also have an issue with tree roots, which isn’t always easy to spot. Tree roots can invade your plumbing and cause problems with other underground utilities or the foundation of your house. Once a tree has grown too far away from its ideal location, it may be best to remove it and avoid costly damage.

Landscaping Conflicts

If you’re planning a new landscaping project, you might find that your existing trees don’t fit in with your plans. For aesthetic reasons, you might want to remove a tree or two for better sunlight or to allow room for a patio or other greenery. Don’t feel bad if you have to remove a tree, as you may be able to find another area on your property where you can plant more in its place.

Removing a tree from your property isn’t always an easy decision. Trees provide shade and fresh air, and you may feel some guilt cutting one down. However, keep in mind that there are many benefits to removing a tree. Plus, you can always plant more in the future. With help from tree removal experts, you’ll feel much better about your decision, knowing your project is being handled by some of the best in the business. If you need tree removal services in Bakersfield, CA, contact the experts at Salas Tree Service today.